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How To Sign Up To Voice Connect
Please use the form below to sign up to our automated repeat prescription service, called Voice Connect. Voice Connect is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Once registered, call 01342 645 337 to order your repeat prescription using your date of birth and access pin.
Modality Mid Sussex
Voice Connect Sign Up Form
Please complete the following form to request access to the Voice Connect automated telephone repeat prescription ordering service.
You can use Voice Connect, our automated repeat prescription telephone ordering service, by calling the dedicated telephone number 01342 645337. This service allows you to order your repeat medication 24hrs a day / 7 days a week. To gain access to this service you need to request an access pin by completing the form above or you can request this by contacting the practice over the phone or by visiting the practice.

Automated Telephone
Repeat Prescription
Ordering Service
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