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Please allow 3 working days for your prescription request to be reviewed by the surgery and sent to your nominated pharmacy. The time it takes for your prescription to be dispensed, is dependent on your nominated pharmacy.
The easiest and quickest way to order your repeat prescriptions is by using the SystmOnline Access online service. Simply log in and select an option. To be able to do this, you will need to register for the SystmOnline Service. Please speak to one of our Patient Services Team to provide you with an account username and password.
You can use Voice Connect, our automated repeat prescription telephone ordering service, by calling the dedicated telephone number 01535 281 280. This service allows you to order your repeat medication 24hrs a day / 7 days a week. To gain access to this service you need to request an access pin by either completing the online form here or by speaking to a member of our team over the phone or by visiting the practice.

All patients over 16 years old with a smart phone or tablet can download and register to use the NHS App. You can order your repeat prescription through the NHS App with a few easy clicks. You can also access NHS online services using your NHS App Login (also known as your NHS Login) using the NHS website.

* Please note: The functionality to book appointments via the NHS App is not available
The NHS App

Automated Telephone
Repeat Prescription
Ordering Service
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